You Liang




酉良以影像、出版为媒介进行艺术创作,是艺术书出版工作室 “珍珠鼻涕虫”主创之一,Raging杂志发起人。长期以来酉良试图触摸与讲述迁徙与游牧的旅途、死亡的黑洞、妈妈和儿歌。她的作品是对潜意识与集体记忆的回应,是一个安全的客厅,用于容纳一滴无需多言的眼泪。

You Liang  mostly works with photography, installation and publications are her preferred mediums to approach art. She is a member of the collective Pearl Slug Studio and the founder of Raging magazine.  You Liang has attempted to touch and tell the journeys of migration and nomadism, the black hole of death, as well as mothers and childhood songs. Her works respond to subconscious and collective memory, a living room for a tear that needs no explanation.

︎︎︎︎︎2023©You Liang︎︎︎︎︎